When SentinelMED receives a new request for medical transport, one of our team’s first considerations is determining whether or not the patient qualifies for a commercial air medical transport. These types of transports are much more cost-effective for the patient than private air ambulance. We realize that the patients requesting our services recently experienced a health crisis and we make every effort to avoid adding to that burden, while maintaining patient safety and comfort as the number one priority. This blog overviews various patient conditions and considerations that would include or exclude them for a commercial air medical transport.
Q: How do I know if I am eligible for commercial air medical transport?
After you contact SentinelMED to inquire about our services, a member of our medical team will contact you to obtain a brief history of you or your patient’s medical condition. Based on the information you provide, the medical team at SentinelMED will review your case and confirm your condition with your treating physician to determine if you are eligible for commercial air medical transport. We take patient safety seriously and our screening process ensures only appropriate patients are recommended for commercial air medical transport. If it is determined that your specific situation is not well suited for commercial air medical transport, then SentinelMED can make recommendations or accommodations for alternative private air or ground ambulance.
Q: Is it possible to have medication and oxygen on a commercial air medical transport?
Yes. All of SentinelMED’s medical escorts travel with extensive medical kits and if necessary, portable oxygen concentrators. Further, because a Physician is involved in every step of a patient’s transport with SentinelMED, the escorts have access to more classes of medications while on board to ensure the patient is comfortable throughout flight.
Q: Can patients who need oxygen fly commercially?
Yes. However, their oxygen requirement will be greater in the air than on ground level. SentinelMED’s medical escorts can provide portable oxygen concentrators, which can provide up to three liters of oxygen supplementation. SentinelMED takes great care to have any medical device, including oxygen concentrators, pre-approved by the FAA as well as the airline. We also ensure that the device can deliver the required volume of oxygen.
Q: Can a patient needing IV medications fly commercially?
Yes. Most airlines allow IV mediation administration in-flight. However, this does require some planning and preparation. The airline must be made aware before arrival. In addition, an appropriate medical escort must remain with the patient. When a patient travels with SentinelMED, our team handles all pre-flight clearances to ensure there are no problems at the airport or in-flight.
Q: Which medical factors may affect patient's ability to fly?
Any medical condition that affects oxygenation and any recent surgery will require special consideration when a patient is being considered for commercial flight.
Q: Can a patient who has difficulty ambulating after a stroke fly on a commercial airline?
Yes, as long as the patient can sit erect for take-off and landing, appropriate airline clearance is obtained, and a qualified medical escort accompanies the patient during the entire process. SentinelMED can arrange for extra assistance at the airport to assist the patient to and from their seat. SentinelMED can also arrange stretchers on international flights.
Q: Can a bed-bound patient be transported on a commercial airline?
Yes. Some airlines allow stretchers on international flights and some even have sections that can be converted into private treatment areas. In certain situations, SentinelMED is able to arrange for the ambulance providing ground transportation to pull right up to the plane on the tarmac.
Q: What are the advantages of commercial medical transport?
Cost control is the greatest advantage to commercial air medical transport. If a patient is eligible, door-to-door transport on a commercial flight with the assistance of a medical escort is often a fraction of the cost of alternative air ambulance. Also, scheduled commercial flights provide the most direct and often times most efficient mode of transport, especially for international travel. Because larger commercial planes are able to go a much greater distance without stopping for fuel, the overall transport time is much shorter. Additionally, commercial air medical transports make it easy for family members to arrange travel along with the patient. The familiar, friendly face of a loved one can make the experience even more comfortable.
Arrange an Affordable Commercial Air Medical Transport Service
Each medical situation is different and every individual’s health needs vary significantly. SentinelMED is a medical travel assistance company that knows the ins and outs of affordable commercial air medical transport. Our team of qualified logistics and medical professionals are able to arrange an affordable commercial air medical transport and help manage the process from bed-to-bed. We understand the complexity of delivering exceptional care to the sick, elderly or injured patient in an unfamiliar environment. Please contact us if you’d like to learn more about our services and staff.