New SentinelMED Service Provides Outsourced Medical Direction and Case Management for Travel Assistance Companies

Travel assistance companies must be ready to assist their customers in the event of a medical emergency – no matter where or when it happens. To meet this need, SentinelMED offers outsourced medical direction and MD case management for small, medium and large travel assistance companies. We can assist travel assistance companies based in the U.S. or abroad to ensure their customers receive quality, timely medical care.

Although this is a new service for SentinelMED, it’s an area in which we are deeply experienced. SentinelMED is owned and operated by board-certified physicians who have decades of experience in the field of aerospace medicine and travel medicine. Our staff also includes nurse practitioners and physician assistants who are experienced in emergency care and transporting patients who become injured or ill while traveling far from home.

Why Outsource Medical Direction and MD Case Management?

Working with SentinelMED offers many benefits to travel assistance companies and their customers, such as:

  • A focus on patient care. SentinelMED’s team always makes recommendations that are in the best interest of the patient. That includes providing safe, appropriate medical care that is within the guidelines of the patient’s insurance coverage. Our team is known for its ability to weigh local medical capabilities and the patient’s condition to determine when, how and to where a patient should be moved.
  • 24/7 availability to medical direction and case management. SentinelMED’s team can provide input on the medical cases of travelers anywhere in the world. We are available around-the-clock to provide care and transport recommendations for active medical cases.
  • Staffing flexibility. A small travel assistance company may want to outsource the role of medical director or case manager to keep its team small. Medium and larger companies can use our outsourced services to provide second opinions on patient care or to cover staffing gaps.
  • White-label services. When providing consults or interacting with hospitals, members of our team serve as representatives of the travel assistance company, not SentinelMED. This creates consistency with patient-care providers and insurance representatives.
  • Travel insurance knowledge. Because we have decades of experience in medical travel assistance, we are very familiar with travel insurance policies and their terms and conditions.
  • Logistical support staff. Our team has coordinated hundreds of medical evacuations and repatriations from countries around the globe. Our logistics managers are skilled in gathering required medical and travel documents and arranging timely and cost-effective transport.
  • Support for travel assistance companies inside and outside the United States. Our team has provided medical direction and case management throughout the world, including after natural disasters and from high-risk travel areas. Many of our medical professionals are fluent in multiple languages, including English, French, Spanish, German and two African languages.
  • Multiple options for working with SentinelMED. We provide medical direction and MD case management on a contract, retainer and one-time basis, depending on the needs of travel assistance companies.

About SentinelMED

SentinelMED coordinates travel logistics and arranges medical transport, medical repatriation, and medical escort services to people who need assistance to travel long distances. In many cases, people who are sick or injured can travel on commercial flights with care provided by a medical escort – a cost-effective alternative to air ambulance services.

Members of the SentinelMED team have strong working relationships with major airlines and can help facilitate special requests for travelers who are medically compromised. Our team also works closely with hospital case managers and families to provide safe and comfortable door-to-door transportation for such individuals.

At SentinelMED, we understand the complexity of delivering exceptional care to patients who need assistance during travel. Please contact us to learn more about the services that SentinelMED offers or its staff.


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