How Affordable is Medical Tourism? Weighing Costs and Other Considerations.

Americans appear to be traveling again for medical tourism after a long pause since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the cost of medical care is a major reason for medical tourism. However, it should not be the only consideration for people who are thinking about traveling outside the United States for health care. For people seeking affordable medical tourism, here are things that can be just as important as cost.

Cost and availability of treatment locally. These two considerations are probably the biggest reasons Americans choose medical tourism, whether inside or outside the United States. Medical tourists from the United States who don't have medical insurance, want procedures that aren't covered by insurance or are trying to find lower-cost care most frequently travel to Canada, Mexico, Central America, South America, and the Caribbean.

The most common procedures for medical tourists from the United States include dental procedures, cosmetic surgery, organ and tissue transplantation, fertility treatment, and cancer treatment, according to the CDC.

Traveling to another country can mean saving thousands and even tens of thousands of dollars on these procedures or accessing treatments, including clinical trials, that aren't available in the United States.

Patient comfort. All aspects of patient comfort should be discussed when planning medical tourism. While some people may only think about pain management during or after a procedure, the mode and length of transport also can affect patient comfort.

For example, travel to the Caribbean, South America, or Central America for affordable medical tourism almost always requires air transport. If a patient can sit up comfortably, transport by a commercial airline can be a cost-effective alternative to an air ambulance. A nonmedical or medical escort can help ensure a patient remains as comfortable as possible during transport.

During the recovery after a procedure, patient comfort can play a role in healing. Depending on the procedure and the country, recovery can be in a hospital setting, resort or hotel. Patients considering affordable medical tourism need to be realistic about the level of care they may need during recovery, especially if they plan to travel alone.

Length of recovery. Depending on the procedure, patients may be able to travel the same day it’s performed. Other procedures may take days or weeks to recover from. According to the CDC, patients should wait 10 days before flying after chest surgery. For cosmetic facial surgeries, they should wait at least seven days before flying, as recommended by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons.

In addition, patients who travel for surgery need to be aware that there is an increased risk of blood clotting conditions, such as deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism when flying long distances after surgery.

Transport expense. The cost of transport can include airfare and ground transport. Since medical tourism is generally planned, patients can compare flights and fares. Considerations when booking travel should include length of flight and number of connections, especially for patients who have limited mobility.

Patients also may want to factor in the cost of traveling with a medical escort. Before a procedure or afterward, a medical escort can provide care, including administering supplemental oxygen and medicine, to help patients stay comfortable and provide peace of mind.

Affordable Medical Tourism: How SentinelMED Can Help

Anyone who is traveling long distance for a medical procedure should take a few minutes in advance to research long-distance medical transport services. If complications occur during surgery or recovery, patients may need assistance to travel home safely.

SentinelMED provides medical escort, repatriation, and transport services for patients who need assistance with long-distance travel. Our medical escorts are physicians, physician assistants, nurses, and paramedics who provide care and support during travel. We can arrange transport from the discharging facility to a caregiver's home or a receiving medical facility. We can also arrange transport by commercial airlines, a cost-effective alternative to air ambulance services.

At SentinelMED, we understand the complexity of delivering exceptional care to the sick, elderly or injured patient who is away from home and in an unfamiliar environment. Please contact us if you’d like to learn more about our services and staff.





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