Look Before You Leap: How an Adventure Travel Medical Case Management Service Can Help in an Emergency

Adventure travel is designed to be more exciting – and risky – than your average trip to the beach or other tourist destination. The adventure usually involves doing something you wouldn't do every day, such as scuba diving, rock climbing, or skiing, in a location where the terrain is rough, and the nearest city is hundreds of miles away. Because the risk of injury is greater and the location more remote, adventure travel medical case management may become essential if a traveler suffers an injury or illness.

Most of the studies on illness and injury for adventure travelers date back to before the COVID-19 pandemic. However, one frequently cited study of New Zealand adventure tour operators reported that 12% of injuries over a 12-month period were "serious harm injuries" that resulted in "hospitalization, fractures, serious lacerations or burns, near drowning, or fatality." The tour operators reported that 67% of injuries were due to "clients not following instructions," while another 20% were attributed to horseplay.

As an adventure tourist, using common sense and following instructions can reduce your risk of injury or illness. However, according to the New Zealand study, 45% of injuries reported were due to trips, slips, and falls, which can happen to even the most cautious travelers.

In case of serious injuries or illness, adventure travel case management is a service that can help ensure travelers get the care they need as quickly as possible.

When Adventure Travel Case Management Becomes Necessary

Here are considerations if you are planning for adventure travel and an explanation of how adventure travel case management services from SentinelMED can help if the unexpected happens.

Injury: Adventure travel can be done solo or through an adventure travel company. Solo travel is generally considered riskier because if you are injured, there may be no one around to help. Some of the most common adventure travel and sports injuries are to shoulders, knees, the lower back or spine, and ankles. The worst of these injuries can leave a traveler immobilized and require specialized transport.

How adventure travel medical case management can help: If a traveler becomes injured, our logistics professionals will work closely with adventure travel companies, travel insurance providers, and patients to provide safe and comfortable door-to-door transportation. Our team handles end-to-end travel planning, including arranging for a medical escort to accompany the patient when needed.

Illness: Adventure tourism can put you at risk for altitude sickness and infections, including rabies, hepatitis B, and waterborne- and mosquito-borne illnesses. Some illnesses can be treated easily with a well-stocked first aid kit. Others can quickly become serious, especially if you swallow or inhale contaminated water.

How adventure travel medical case management can help: The SentinelMED team includes physicians and physician assistants with decades of experience in emergency and travel medicine. They have assessed cases for patients across the globe and can determine when a patient's condition is stable for transport.

Remoteness: Adventure travel can include everything from skiing backcountry mountains to scuba diving at coral reefs. The remoteness of these locations can make it challenging to access immediate and appropriate medical care in the event of an illness or emergency or even to evacuate a traveler for medical care.

How adventure travel medical case management can help: The SentinelMED logistics experts have helped arrange medical evacuations after natural disasters and during political conflicts. They are well connected to a network of transport providers and are familiar with the ins and outs of travel insurance policies. SentinelMED's team of medical escorts can even travel to you and escort you back home to help ensure your comfort and safety during transport. With the support of a medical escort, many patients can be transported on commercial aircraft, a cost-effective alternative to air ambulance services.

About SentinelMED

In addition to providing adventure travel medical case management, SentinelMED can arrange medical transport, medical repatriation, and medical escort services for people who need assistance to travel long distances. The SentinelMED team is skilled at arranging transport for patients anywhere in the world.

Our logistics professionals also work closely with adventure travel companies, travel insurance providers, and patients to provide safe and comfortable door-to-door transportation. They handle end-to-end travel planning, including arranging for a medical escort to accompany the patient when needed.

At SentinelMED, we understand the complexity of delivering exceptional care to patients who need assistance during travel. Please contact us to learn more about the services that SentinelMED offers or its staff.

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