Recent Posts by SentinelMED

The Risks of Medical Air Transport and How to Mitigate Them

Medical air transport typically takes one-third to one-half as long as ground transport, but there are risks that come with this speedier mode of transportation. Flying can contribute to lower levels of oxygen in the body’s tissues, dehydration, blood clots, and excess noise and vibration for the patient. Cramped conditions and the skill of the…
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Air versus Ground Medical Transport: Which is the better option?

When it comes to air versus ground medical transport, the advantages and disadvantages may surprise you. Ground medical transport can be less expensive, but not always. Air ambulances can be a quicker way to transport a patient, but commercial airlines are often faster and more cost-effective. Here are some of the advantages and disadvantages of…
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Three Major Benefits of Medical Transport on Commercial Airlines

When someone becomes seriously ill or injured during travel, their family often wants to get them home as quickly as possible – no matter the cost. If they don’t know about the benefits of medical transport by commercial airlines, they may assume that an air ambulance is their best – or only – option. However,…
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Four Reasons to Use Medical Escorts for Children During Travel

If you’ve ever traveled with a child, you’ve heard this classic question: “Are we there yet?” That inquiry takes on greater urgency for children and their parents if a child is traveling while sick or injured. Medical escorts for children during travel can help ease stress in these situations by providing care for young patients.…
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