A flight nurse is a licensed and registered nurse, who is present on an air ambulance to handle the patients in a trauma situation or in need of specialized care. Medical escorts and flight nurses are primarily responsible for providing immediate medical assistance to patients. Their duty starts right from the crisis scene till the…
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About: SentinelMED
Recent Posts by SentinelMED
Air Ambulance Services- The Operating Model
Air ambulances are civilian aircrafts that are pressed into service during a medical emergency. Air ambulances can be categorized on the basis of their operating models of the EMS. The emergency medicine system has classified air ambulances into two base models – The Anglo American Model The Franco German Model Both these models vary in…
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Is Travel Insurance Really That Essential?
Travelers who empower themselves with a good travel insurance, tend to minimize the risk that appear due to illnesses, accidents, cancellations and other unforeseen circumstances. The amount of loss that a traveler bears in the absence of a travel insurance depends on the amount he has already paid, the status of the ticket he is…
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What are Different Kinds of Air Ambulances Available?
Air ambulances can be broadly classified into two basic categories- the ones with a rotary wing and the others with a fixed wing. The rotary wing ambulance is commonly called a helicopter. They are often used to transfer patients from one medical facility to another. They are also deployed to dispatch medical teams to crisis…
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