The Benefits of Medical Case Management for Medical Professionals and Patients

In hospitals and doctor’s offices, medical case managers help oversee patient care. At SentinelMED, we provide the same service for people who need medical care while traveling. If you are a medical professional, there are numerous benefits to hiring outsourced medical case management if your patients become sick or injured while traveling.

With SentinelMED’s medical case management service, our medical professionals coordinate care with you, the treating provider, and the patient's family. Our team has decades of experience coordinating medical care for people who get sick or injured while traveling overseas.

Here are several reasons medical professionals partner with SentinelMED for medical case management:

Professional medical oversight. SentinelMED is staffed with a team of physicians, nurse practitioners, and physician assistants who provide 24/7 input on active medical cases. We can help you coordinate care for your patients wherever they are.

Ongoing and consistent communication. The SentinelMED team includes medical professionals who speak Spanish, French, German and other languages. In many cases, they can communicate directly with the treating team in their preferred language. They can then share that information with you, request medical records to assist the treating physician and keep you informed about care and discharge information.

Timely medical recommendations. For patients, medical case management can make all the difference in how quickly they receive appropriate care. It can also improve overall outcomes. At SentinelMED, medical case managers are available 365 days a year and can respond within hours to requests for assistance.

Support for the patient’s family. Our medical professionals can communicate directly with the patient’s family to provide care updates or request information. This can help ease the burden on you and your staff to provide current and accurate information.

Research and recommendations. The SentinelMED team has years of experience in medical case management and medical transport. They have worked with thousands of people who have needed emergency medical care while traveling. Based on the patient's needs and location, they can quickly determine if appropriate care is available nearby. They can also help determine if the patient is stable for transport if care is not available nearby.

Transportation and logistics coordination. Our medical case managers can work with you to determine if a patient is stable enough for transport. They can also make sure the receiving medical facility has the information it needs to treat the patient on arrival. In many cases, transport can be provided by a commercial airline with the help of a medical escort. SentinelMED's medical escorts are trained in emergency and aeromedicine and can provide basic care during the flight. This service can be a cost-effective alternative to air ambulances, including private jets and helicopters.

Knowledge of insurance coverage and limitations. We have the background and expertise to consider a patient's insurance coverage, local medical capabilities, and above all else, what is best for the patient when giving input on when, how, and to where a patient should be moved.

About SentinelMED

SentinelMED offers medical transport, medical repatriation, and medical escort services to people who need assistance to travel long distances. The SentinelMED team is skilled at arranging transport for patients anywhere in the world.

Our logistics professionals also work closely with hospital case managers, patients, and their families to provide safe and comfortable door-to-door transportation. They handle end-to-end travel planning, including arranging for a medical escort to accompany the patient when needed.

At SentinelMED, we understand the complexity of delivering exceptional care to patients who need assistance during travel. Please contact us to learn more about the services that SentinelMED offers or its staff.

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