Category Archives: Medical Tourism

Medical Tourism for Cosmetic Surgery Broadens Patients’ Choices

Cosmetic surgery patients are the largest segment of people who travel for medical tourism. And it's not just for wealthy jet setters. In fact, most people who choose medical tourism for cosmetic surgery are middle class and have considered having cosmetic surgery for five to 10 years. For many, the price of cosmetic surgery is…
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How Affordable is Medical Tourism? Weighing Costs and Other Considerations.

Americans appear to be traveling again for medical tourism after a long pause since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the cost of medical care is a major reason for medical tourism. However, it should not be the only consideration for people who are thinking…
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How to Combine Medical Travel and Tourism

People choose to travel for medical care for a wide range of reasons – quality of care, accessibility or scheduling concerns, lower costs, privacy and even a sense of adventure. Whether traveling inside the United States or abroad, combining medical travel and tourism is also a draw. It’s also definitely doable, especially if you are…
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What are the Most Popular Countries for Medical Tourism?

Medical tourism isn’t quite mainstream yet, but it may be soon. It’s estimated that 11 million people, or 3 to 4 percent of the world’s population, traveled outside their own countries for health care in 2016. That number is projected to grow to 280 million households by 2025. While many medical tourists are coming to…
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