Category Archives: Medical Travel

How to Combine Medical Travel and Tourism

People choose to travel for medical care for a wide range of reasons – quality of care, accessibility or scheduling concerns, lower costs, privacy and even a sense of adventure. Whether traveling inside the United States or abroad, combining medical travel and tourism is also a draw. It’s also definitely doable, especially if you are…
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Short Distance Medical Escorts: Options and Benefits

Short distance medical escorts can open up travel options for people who can’t or shouldn’t travel without medical assistance. This service can transform a trip that could take a day by car or van into one that lasts only a few hours. Medical escorts also can allow people who have mental and physical limitations to…
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Documentation for Medical Travel: What You’ll Need to Bring

Travel means packing and preparation, despite the reason for your journey or your destination. And if you’re traveling for health reasons or with medical assistance, you need also need to pack the correct documentation for medical travel. What you’ll need to pack will depend on how long you’ll be gone, how far you’re traveling and…
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