Category Archives: Outsourced Medical Direction and Case Management

How to Find Medical Case Management for Students Studying Abroad

Although many countries’ borders remained closed during the COVID pandemic, there are exceptions for people traveling for school. Some study abroad programs that shut down during the early days of the pandemic have reopened, and others are planning to offer opportunities in spring 2022. With concerns about the pandemic, medical case management for students studying…
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The Benefits of Medical Case Management for Medical Professionals and Patients

In hospitals and doctor’s offices, medical case managers help oversee patient care. At SentinelMED, we provide the same service for people who need medical care while traveling. If you are a medical professional, there are numerous benefits to hiring outsourced medical case management if your patients become sick or injured while traveling. With SentinelMED’s medical…
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Medical Case Management for Employees Stationed Away from Home

The U.S. Department of State estimates that 8.7 million Americans live and work outside the United States, not including those who are serving in the military. If employees become sick or injured while working abroad, their employers may find themselves navigating a maze of complications – language barriers, time zone differences, and the availability of…
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