Whether it’s through a cruise, a group tour, or an itinerary you planned yourself, visiting multiple countries on a single trip can be a great way to explore different cultures. But it does require you to research each destination. By doing so, you’ll feel more confident that you’re addressing your medical needs when traveling to…
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When Getting Sick on a Cruise Ship Means a Visit to the Infirmary
Cruise ships are like floating cities, with various amenities like restaurants, movie theaters, gyms, shops, and casinos. However, if you find yourself sick on a cruise ship, the amenity you may need most is the ship infirmary. Most large cruise ships have an infirmary, where you can get care for minor injuries and medical emergencies.…
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Put Safety First with a Medical Escort for Travel After an Injury
Medical escort services are often considered for patients with serious illnesses and medical conditions. But they can also provide vital assistance if you must travel after an injury. For example, a cracked sternum, spinal injury, or brain injury could make flying risky, especially over long distances. Having support from a medical escort for travel with…
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Want to Avoid Illness During Holiday Travel? Follow These 6 Tips from SentinelMED
In the next few months, airports will be packed with people – and all the germs they bring with them. Although the pandemic should have taught us how to take precautions, we've compiled a list of reminders to help you avoid illness during holiday travel. 1. Be up to date on immunizations. Immunizations are the…
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