Why is Commercial Medical Transport Better Than Air Ambulance

When it’s about getting the best medical transportation services, commercial medical transportation is undeniably a better option than opting for an air ambulance. Find out how in what follows next:

There’s no denying that air ambulance is the fastest mode of medical assistance transportation. However, in light of one advantage offered by air ambulance, you cannot overlook aspects where it lags much behind.

There are plenty of reasons why we say that commercial medical transportation can be better than air ambulance, and these are:

Greater Medical Comfort and Superior Facilities

Certainly, the biggest drawback of an air ambulance is limited space and consequently lesser availability of space for medical equipment. The space in an air ambulance is only appropriate for a stretcher, few medical essentials and a medical attendant. So, while this option is useful for needs emergency travel assistance, during non-emergencies, commercial medical transport is better.

They can accommodate a wider variety of medical equipment, and also allow a patient to carry his luggage and bring along a family member or two in addition to the attendant.

Individual Medical Escort to Travel

Another crucial factor that weighs the importance of commercial medical transportation is that a patient gets to travel with his own personalized team of medial attendants. In general, an air ambulance service will allow only its own medical attendants to accompany you, whereas a commercial medical transport service provider allows patients to pre-plan their trip and bring along doctors, nurses and attendants of your choice.

Such services prove to be quite accommodating, especially when travelling over long distances for medical diagnoses. With commercial medial transport, a patient gets better assistance for obtaining tickets and clearances, which are arranged by the commercial medical transport service provider companies.

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