A Detailed Review of a Long Distance Ambulance

When it comes to the health and safety of your loved one, take your decisions wisely.

When selecting a long distance medical transport services provider for your loved one, the choice can be baffling. The three common modes of transport available in a medical situation are -

  • A medical escort in a commercial airliner
  • An air ambulance with a medical team on board
  •  A long distance ambulance

The purpose of all the three is to ensure the safety and comfort of a patient, but they deliver their services differently. Let’s review them in detail –

1. Services of A Medical Escort

The services of a medical escort can be hired for an individual who will be able to sit through a long commercial flight. A trained and qualified escort is required to assist him on the flight and take care of all his needs. A medical escort is capable of taking snap decisions in the absence of a doctor, in case the need arises. A medical escort is the most cost efficient method to take care of a medically unfit traveler.

2. An Air Ambulance

When the need for shifting a patient from one facility to another arises, an air ambulance is the quickest method. The patient can be transported over a stretcher. The team on board an air ambulance is fully trained to deal with any medical situation. When compared to other options, an air ambulance is the most expensive option for a patient.

3. When Air Travel Is Not an Option

A long distance ambulance is specially designed keeping in mind the needs of a patient who needs to travel thousands of kilometers. It is an ideal option for patients who are unable to take a long commercial flight with an escort or have the means to hire an air ambulance. Their cost is half of what a patient may pay for an air ambulance. There are medical teams on board the ambulance who monitor the patient around the clock. A three member team is known to be more effective as they can take care of the patient in shifts. The vehicles are roomy and specially designed to cater to an unfit person.

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