Medical Case Management for Employees Stationed Away from Home

The U.S. Department of State estimates that 8.7 million Americans live and work outside the United States, not including those who are serving in the military. If employees become sick or injured while working abroad, their employers may find themselves navigating a maze of complications – language barriers, time zone differences, and the availability of appropriate treatment. Medical case management for overseas employees, which is included in some insurance policies, can ensure that employees receive appropriate and timely medical care.

Medical case management generally involves a review of medical information to determine what treatment is medically necessary for a patient and how to best obtain it. The goal of medical case management is to improve treatment outcomes for patients as well as their overall comfort. At SentinelMED, those reviews are completed by medical professionals who are trained in the fields of travel and emergency medicine.

What is Included in Medical Case Management for Overseas Employees?

Not all health insurance or travel insurance policies cover medical case management or the same level of case review or oversight. Here is what SentinelMED’s comprehensive medical case management services include:

Medical information review. SentinelMED provides 24/7 availability to a team of doctors, physician assistants, and nurses who review patients' medical records to determine what treatment is medically necessary and if it can be obtained near the patient's location.

Transport recommendation. Members of the SentinelMED team have decades of combined military and civilian aeromedical transport experience. If a patient needs care that’s not available nearby, the case medical team will determine if he or she is stable for transport, then determine which mode of transport — commercial aircraft, air ambulance, or ground transport — is most appropriate. This recommendation would take into consideration the employer’s health insurance policy and its coverage and limitations.

Medical escort assignment. Depending on a patient’s medical needs, the length of travel required and whether the patient is traveling alone, SentinelMED may assign an escort to assist the patient. The SentinelMED team includes both medical escorts, who are registered nurses or doctors, and non-medical escorts, who are trained paramedics or EMTs. Escorts are also matched to patients based on the patient’s native language and any cultural concerns.

Communication with the treating physician. SentinelMED’s medical team communicates regularly with the doctor who is treating the patient to discuss the quality and appropriateness of the care that’s being provided. This information is also used to determine if any changes need to be made to plans for transporting the patient if required.

Communication with the patient’s employer and family. The medical team remains in constant communication with the patient’s employer and family members to provide regular updates about the patient’s condition and care. Members of the team are available to answer questions about transport logistics.

Coordination with a receiving hospital or care provider. As part of its medical case management service, SentinelMED will coordinate patient transport to a receiving hospital or care facility, and assist with the transfer of patient medical records.

About SentinelMED

SentinelMED provides a range of medical transport and logistics services beyond medical case management, including medical transport, evacuation, and repatriation. We are specialists in working with people who need medical assistance to travel long distances in safety and comfort.

Members of the SentinelMED team have strong working relationships with major airlines and can help facilitate special requests for travelers who are medically compromised. Our team also works closely with hospital case managers and families to provide safe and comfortable door-to-door transportation for such individuals.

At SentinelMED, we understand the complexity of delivering exceptional care to patients who need assistance during travel. Please contact us to learn more about the services that SentinelMED offers or its staff.

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