Medical Tourism for Cosmetic Surgery Broadens Patients’ Choices

Cosmetic surgery patients are the largest segment of people who travel for medical tourism. And it's not just for wealthy jet setters. In fact, most people who choose medical tourism for cosmetic surgery are middle class and have considered having cosmetic surgery for five to 10 years.

For many, the price of cosmetic surgery is the determining factor for medical tourism. However, it’s just one of several reasons cited by medical tourists.

In this article, we’ll take a closer look at several reasons people travel for cosmetic surgery. They include:

Cost. As mentioned previously, the cost is the biggest reason people travel for cosmetic surgery. For example, rhinoplasty in Thailand could cost a little over $400, compared to $1,000 in Malaysia or closer to $5,000 in the United States. Factor in travel costs, and many people still decide they’ll come out ahead with medical tourism.

Reputation. Some countries have a reputation for specific types of cosmetic surgeries. For example, Brazil is a leader in the number of breast augmentations and butt lifts performed each year. South Korea is known for eyelid and jawbone surgeries.

Privacy. Traveling for cosmetic surgery ensures greater privacy during the recovery period. Away from home, there's little chance of running into someone you know while you are bruised, bandaged, or swollen.

A “medical vacation.” Cosmetic surgery centers that cater to medical tourists are often located near airports and popular tourist destinations. At some facilities, patients recover in resort-like settings with pools and access to nurses 24 hours a day.

Access to care. People throughout Africa, for example, travel to South Africa for cosmetic surgery because it has a higher number of plastic surgeons and offers greater access to services.

Cautions Associated with Medical Tourism for Cosmetic Surgery

The American Association of Plastic Surgeons (AAPS) cautions people against making decisions on where to have cosmetic surgery solely on cost. AAPS lists the "hidden costs" of medical tourism for cosmetic surgery, including the risk of complications, travel safety after the procedure, the quality of care, and the lack of legal protection with surgeries performed outside the United States. These precautions are worth heeding: According to one study, the average cost of treating complications in patients who traveled abroad for plastic surgery was $18,000.

According to the AAPS, some of those concerns can be alleviated by planning cosmetic surgery without leaving the U.S. People looking for cost savings can shop around within the U.S., as “surgery costs can be significantly different based on geography,” according to the organization. The most important thing is to look for a board-certified surgeon with a good track record of performing the cosmetic surgery you want to schedule.

Medical Tourism: Getting Home After Treatment

In many cases, people can travel home safely after cosmetic surgery by taking the proper precautions. They may need to stand up and stretch regularly during a long flight to help prevent blood clots, for example, or closely monitor their fluid intake.

However, anyone who is traveling long distances for cosmetic surgery or other medical procedures should take a few minutes in advance to research long-distance medical transport services. If complications occur during surgery or recovery, you may need assistance to travel home safely. This is especially true if your surgery is being performed in a country where you don’t speak the primary language or if you are traveling alone.

SentinelMED provides medical escort, repatriation, and transport services for patients who need assistance with long-distance travel. Our medical escorts are physicians, physician assistants, nurses, and nurse practitioners who provide care and support during travel. Our team can arrange transport from the discharging facility to the safety of your home, the home of a caregiver, or a receiving medical facility. We can also arrange transport by commercial airlines, a cost-effective alternative to air ambulance services.

At SentinelMED, we understand the complexity of delivering exceptional care to the sick, elderly, or injured patient who is away from home and in an unfamiliar environment. Please contact us if you’d like to learn more about our services and staff.

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