Making a Medical Transport Plan: Factors to Consider

Medical transport plans are often made in a hurry – after a loved one has been injured or suffered a serious illness or medical emergency. The urgency of the situation and the emotions involved can lead to quick – and costly – decisions.

In general, the same factors go into making any medical transport plan. Here is a quick list to guide decisions made during the planning process:

Availability of care. One of the most common reasons for long-distance medical transport is to get patients to medical facilities that can provide the specific care needed. This is especially true for patients who have complex medical conditions, or who become sick or injured while traveling abroad. For some patients, returning to their home country may be the only way for them to get the medical care they need after they are stabilized.

Concerns and comfort of the patient. Medical transport plans should be created individually for each patient and put their comfort first. Patients who needs assistance boarding an airplane or require medical care while traveling might need the assistance of a medical escort. Medical escorts can vary in the services they provide, so be sure to ask about an escort’s training and experience. In addition, some patients may have language, cultural or religious concerns that must be considered during transport.

SentinelMED’s medical escorts are nurses, physicians, physician assistants and paramedics who are trained or experienced in emergency and critical care medicine. They are selected and matched with patients based on the level of medical care required and any language or cultural concerns.

Cost. The cost of medical transportation can vary widely. Transport by air ambulance is typically the most expensive option, and may not be necessary if a patient can travel safely on commercial aircraft. Be sure to ask for a complete cost estimate in writing before choosing a medical transportation service.

Time constraints. Air ambulances are typically the option that can be arranged most quickly when patients need immediate transport due to illness or their location. When a patient’s condition is stable, but urgent, transport by commercial airline with a medical escort is a cost-effective alternative to air ambulance services. This type of transport can be more comfortable and shorter for patients because of regulations that limit air ambulances’ flight times. For people who need to travel short distances, ground transportation by medical van or ambulance may also be an option.

Required permits and documentation. Patients who require medication, supplemental oxygen or other assistance to travel may need to secure documentation from their doctor or discharge facility before traveling. SentinelMED’s team works with hospital case workers to obtain such permits and documents before travel. Our logistics team also coordinates all travel arrangements and ensures patients have the correct travel documents needed, including visas when required.

Working with SentinelMED to Develop a Medical Transport Plan

Creating a medical transport plan requires a medical evaluation of the patient, an awareness of the options available, and the ability to recognize potential complications. An experienced medical transport team can develop an effective plan so family members can focus on the patient’s emotional needs.

SentinelMED’s medical professionals regularly help individuals and their family members make important decisions about medical transportation. Our team also can arrange for medical escorts to accompany travelers and help them navigate the complexities of long-distance travel on commercial airlines. When a patient becomes sick or injured while traveling abroad we can make all arrangements for international medical transport and medical repatriation.

These services can be structured to provide door-to-door transportation from discharge at a hospital to arrival at a receiving medical facility or the home of a family member.

The SentinelMED team understands the complexity of delivering exceptional care to patients who need assistance during travel. Please contact us to learn more about the services that SentinelMED offers or its staff.

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