How to Choose Between Medical Transportation Companies

An Internet search for the term “medical transportation companies” returns more than 3.8 million results. That’s way too many for most people to sort through and compare, especially if they have a pressing need for emergency or non-emergency medical transportation.

By knowing what to look for, patients and their family can narrow the search to find the right provider for their specific situation. The goal when comparing medical transportation companies is to ensure that the services they offer are effective, reasonable and appropriate. Here are several things to consider when comparing medical transportation companies:

Does the type of transport offered match the patient’s needs? There are non-emergency medical transport companies that only transport patients to their local doctors’ offices, and others that only provide long-distance transport by air ambulance or private jet. Then there are companies that provide long-distance medical transport using commercial airlines and medical escorts, or focus strictly on medical tourists. When comparing companies, family members and patients must consider the patient’s health and the distance they need to travel to determine if a medical transport company matches their needs.

Does the patient need an air ambulance? An air ambulance service, with transport by helicopter or fixed-wing aircraft, is typically the most expensive way to transport patients. However, it should be considered if a patient cannot sit upright for a long period of time; is in critical condition and needs to travel to receive better health care; or has a terminal illness.

What level of medical training does the health care team have? Some medical transportation companies use EMTs to travel with patients, while others use only physicians or nurses. The level of care a patient needs should match the expertise and experience of the health care provider who will travel with them by air ambulance, commercial airline or ground transport. Family members should choose a medical transportation service whose providers can handle any potential medical need that could arise for a patient during travel.

Can a family member or friend travel with the patient? Depending on the mode of transport, it may be possible for a family member to travel with a patient and the health care provider who is serving as a medical escort. That’s an important question to ask when comparing medical transport companies.

Is the company accredited? Choose a provider who has a sound reputation and good reviews. A good and reputable long-distance medical transport company provider will have accreditation and be willing to provide references.

Will the company provide a detailed written estimate of the cost? Cost comparisons can be tricky because the service provided by medical transport companies can vary widely. Ask for a detailed estimate for transport in advance, and consider the level of service provided, not just the total cost.

Will the patient’s insurance cover some or all of the cost of medical transport? Insurance companies have different levels of coverage for non-medical emergency transport, emergency medical transport and medical repatriation. Family members and patients should work closely with their insurance providers and the medical transportation companies they are considering to ensure everyone is clear on what their insurance provider will pay and the patient’s own potential financial responsibility.

How responsive is the company’s customer service? Professional medical transportation companies not only care for the patients they transport, they also provide comfort and reassurance to their families. If a company does not provide the level of service needed or answer questions promptly, look elsewhere.

Medical Transport Services from SentinelMED

SentinelMED provides domestic and international medical transport, medical escort and medical repatriation services for travelers who are injured, elderly or otherwise need assistance when traveling long distances. Our team works closely with patients and their family members to help them make important decisions about medical transportation.

We provide door-to-door transportation by air ambulance, private jet, commercial airline and ground transport as needed to meet the needs of patients. Working closely with hospital case managers, we work to transport patients from discharge to arrival at a receiving medical facility that is equipped to provide the appropriate level of care.

The SentinelMED team understands the complexity of delivering exceptional care to patients who need assistance during travel. Please contact us to learn more about the services that SentinelMED offers or its staff.

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