Medical flight escorts can make long-distance travel possible for health-compromised individuals. Working with such escorts can greatly reduce the stress associated with long flights, arranging in-airport and ground transportation, and navigating airport security. But for the health-compromised individual, the biggest benefit a medical flight escort can provide is to make travel more tolerable – and…
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How SentinelMED Works with Organizations to Provide Expert Medical Transportation Management
Case managers who work for hospitals and health care facilities juggle many tasks, but all of them are aligned with the same outcome – ensuring that patients receive appropriate medical care during all stages of treatment. In many cases, that can include arranging expert medical transportation management with the help of a medical transport service.…
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When to Use an Air Medical Transport Service with Critical Care Transport Experience
When a person requires air medical transport after an accident or injury, the clock starts ticking to reach a medical facility that can provide the appropriate level of care. However, just as important as speed is in caring for a patient is a service provider’s critical care transport experience. That experience and background is important…
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Tips on How to Address Dietary Needs During Commercial Air Medical Transport
Low-sodium. Gluten-free. Diabetic. Kosher. Halah-certified. Vegetarian. People all over the world follow one or more of these diets, whether for religious or health reasons. For many people, long-distance travel brings the potential of disrupting their important dietary practices and routines. A company that provides expert air medical transport, such as SentinelMED, can make sure that…
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