Lori Calavan of SentinelMED Featured in National Travel Magazines with Her Tips for Staying Safe from the Coronavirus

Coronavirus has been in the news for weeks, with the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) warning in mid-February that it is preparing for the disease “to take a foothold in the U.S.” For people who must make trips outside the United States, staying safe from coronavirus, or COVID-19, is a top concern.

SentinelMED’s Lori Calavan, PA-C, was recently interviewed by two top travel-advice websites, Johnny Jet and Recommend, to share her recommendations on how to avoid contracting the coronavirus during international travel. Some of the tips she shared include:

Use proper hand hygiene. According to Calavan and the CDC, this means washing your hands for 20 seconds with soap and water after going to the bathroom, before eating, or after sneezing, coughing or blowing your nose.

If soap and water are not available, carry and use a hand sanitizer that is at least 60 percent alcohol. In addition, avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth with your hands. Coronavirus is believed to be transmitted mostly through respiratory droplets, which are spread when an infected person coughs or sneezes among close contacts. The virus is believed to remain suspended in the air for three- to six-feet before dissipating.

Be considerate of others. If you must cough or sneeze near another person, do so into a tissue, then throw the tissue away. Do not reuse tissues. If you have a cough and are traveling in close quarters with others, wear a face mask. And of course, wash or sanitize your hands after every cough or sneeze.

Avoid or sanitize common contact areas. You can use antimicrobial wipes to clean tray tables and arm rests in airplanes. Sprays can be used on flat surfaces in other common areas. When possible, avoid touching handrails, bannisters and other surfaces that you haven’t cleaned.

Don’t travel if you’re sick. This is always a good recommendation, according to Calavan. “When fighting illness, you are susceptible to other disease processes, and people around you – especially the very young, very old and immunocompromised – are susceptible to your infection.” Don’t put their health at risk by traveling when you know you’re sick.

Consider delaying travel to areas where coronavirus is a concern. With a Warning Level 3, the CDC recommends that all travelers avoid all non-essential travel to China. Because of the outbreak, some airlines and hotel chains are waiving penalties for guests that cancel or postpone trips to China. In addition, trip cancellation coverage in the event of a pandemic may be provided by the bank issuing your credit card, especially if your doctor recommends against traveling.

Calavan’s recommendations come from her experience with SentinelMED in assisting and coordinating care for passengers who become ill or injured while traveling.

About SentinelMED

SentinelMED provides medical transportation, medical repatriation and medical escort services to individuals who require medical assistance to travel long distances in safety and comfort. In many cases, patients travel on commercial airlines with a SentinelMED escort who is an ICU- or emergency-medicine professional. This service is a cost-effective alternative to an air ambulance.

SentinelMED understands the complexity of delivering exceptional care to patients who need assistance during travel. Please contact us to learn more about the services that SentinelMED offers or its staff.


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