Tag Archives: commercial medical escort services

What to Do Before You Travel With A Chronic Medical Condition

People who want to travel with a chronic medical condition may be surprised at the resources available to them. By planning ahead and packing carefully, many people can enjoy the fun of travel – even overseas – without aggravating or worsening an existing illness, injury, or disease. Here are a few steps you should take…
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How to Find Medical Case Management for Students Studying Abroad

Although many countries’ borders remained closed during the COVID pandemic, there are exceptions for people traveling for school. Some study abroad programs that shut down during the early days of the pandemic have reopened, and others are planning to offer opportunities in spring 2022. With concerns about the pandemic, medical case management for students studying…
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Medical Evacuation Travel: Know Your Options Before You Leave Home

According to International Travel News, about 1 in 4,000 trips overseas require a medical evacuation. Although the report is a few years old, it points out that medical evacuations during travel are rare. However, they are almost always expensive. The costs of medical evacuation travel within the United States averages $25,000. Outside the U.S., prices…
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What to Consider When Including Caretakers in Medical Travel

If you are traveling for medical care, including caretakers in your medical travel plan can be smart. Caretakers, such as friends, family members, or medical professionals, can help you with everything from packing to navigating airports and hospitals. Of course, this is easier to do for scheduled medical travel, such as to a medical center…
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