Tag Archives: commercial medical escort

Medical Case Management and Mental Health

Medical case managers are often called in to provide medical oversight for people who become ill or injured when traveling or living outside the United States. When providing medical case management, the SentinelMED team also considers the mental health of the patient. Studies suggest that stress and anxiety can delay wound healing and also cause pain. When…
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COVID-19 and Medical Case Management: How an Expert Can Help

COVID-19 has made travel more difficult within the United States and internationally. Some countries have banned travelers completely; in the United States, COVID-19 testing is required to enter from another country. While delaying travel is still recommended, it may not be an option if you need to travel long-distance for medical care. If you are…
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Meet the Members of the SentinelMED Medical Escort Team

To safely transport people with medical needs hundreds or thousands of miles requires careful coordination. SentinelMED’s medical escort teams brings together people with the planning skills, logistical background and medical training to care for people who are recovering from accidents or serious illness or who have chronic medical conditions. Their experiences in the medical transport…
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