Tag Archives: medical escort flight nurses

Traveling With A Medical Flight Escort: Increasing Safety and Comfort in the Air

Medical flight escorts can make long-distance travel possible for health-compromised individuals. Working with such escorts can greatly reduce the stress associated with long flights, arranging in-airport and ground transportation, and navigating airport security. But for the health-compromised individual, the biggest benefit a medical flight escort can provide is to make travel more tolerable – and…
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What Do Flight Nurses Do?

A flight nurse is a licensed and registered nurse, who is present on an air ambulance to handle the patients in a trauma situation or in need of specialized care. Medical escorts and flight nurses are primarily responsible for providing immediate medical assistance to patients. Their duty starts right from the crisis scene till the…
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Myths About Travel Insurance

Travelling abroad without insurance is the same as travelling without a toothbrush. Be a smart traveler and next time when you make your list of to do things; remember to add travel insurance to it. By investing a very small amount you can be relieved and covered for any unexpected turn of events. Most of…
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