Tag Archives: medical escorts

Before You Travel, Let Airlines Know about These Medical Conditions

Airline travel can be stressful, especially for people who have underlying health and medical issues. People who have chronic conditions such as anemia, heart disease or lung disease can have difficulty handling lower oxygen levels during flight. For other individuals, temporary concerns such as a recent root canal or a broken bone are reasons to…
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What to Expect from SentinelMED’s Medical Escort Experts

A medical escort is a medical professional who provides medical assistance during a non-emergent ground or air medical transport. SentinelMED provides medical escorts for domestic and international medical transports, and for a wide array of medical situations. Preparation Services Provided by SentinelMED Medical Escorts Medical escorts provide a number of services before, during and even…
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What Do Air Ambulances and Medical Escort Services Do?

An efficient Air Ambulance and Medical Escort Services coordinate the medical services around the clock. This coordination happens within the domestic country and globally too. Medical escort services are available around the clock and they offer bed to bed services to the patients. They are responsible for organizing the pick-up, drop and all other coordination…
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