Tag Archives: medical escorts

Go For a Medical Air Escort for Safer Travel

Illnesses are stressful times for any family. The services of a medical escort can reduce the pressure and make things more streamlined for the patient and his immediate caregivers. Travelling with an unwell family member can be very demanding and risky. He or she might require urgent medical attention while in flight or his condition…
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Why is Commercial Medical Transport Better Than Air Ambulance

When it’s about getting the best medical transportation services, commercial medical transportation is undeniably a better option than opting for an air ambulance. Find out how in what follows next: There’s no denying that air ambulance is the fastest mode of medical assistance transportation. However, in light of one advantage offered by air ambulance, you…
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Non-Emergency Medical Transportation: What You Should Know

Non Emergency medical transportation is a kind of medical transportation which is carried out when the patient needs some extra medical care, but is not under any form of emergency. Here are the things you should know about it. For patients with diverse travelling needs, opting for non-emergency medical transportation services can prove to be…
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Private Medical Transportation Industry: Some Key Points

The private medical transportation industry is a for-profit service which does not operate under the municipality or government organizations. Sometimes these industries work for certain hospitals that need to shift patients under non emergency services. In this post, we discuss some important pointers. The market for private medical transport service is pretty big with around…
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