Tag Archives: medical travel

Why Medical Tourism

More and more patients are considering medical tourism as a better option on comparing the costs between domestic and international facilities. Read on to know more on why medical tourism is picking up and why you too may want to consider this option for your near and dear ones. Before selecting an option for medical…
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Why Medical Evacuation Coverage is Necessary for Cruise Trips

While planning your next vacation keep in mind that emergencies can occur anywhere. And when thousands of miles away from land, evacuation may be the only viable option for you. Cruise Trips Whenever you plan your vacation for a cruise, you never really consider the potential medical emergencies or other incidents that may threaten to…
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Travelling With Medicines and Other Medical Equipment

Travelling in a medical condition can be very stressful. Patients should take care and go well prepared. Elderly and those with a chronic illness need to prepare themselves physically and mentally before going on an aircraft. The medication should be packed for a day or two extra in case of an emergency. If possible, it…
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Does Travel Insurance Cover Pregnant Women

Planning to travel in pregnancy? Do check with your insurance company if they have you covered or not. Different travel insurance companies have different rules when it comes to providing cover to pregnant women. Always look out for the ‘present medical condition’ clause before you sign on any papers and have complete clarity on it.…
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