Tag Archives: sentinel med

How to Choose Between Medical Transportation Companies

An Internet search for the term “medical transportation companies” returns more than 3.8 million results. That’s way too many for most people to sort through and compare, especially if they have a pressing need for emergency or non-emergency medical transportation. By knowing what to look for, patients and their family can narrow the search to…
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How to Arrange a Medical Escort Flight

Every day, medical escorts help patients arrive safely at their homes or receiving medical facilities. In most cases, these patients are sick, injured or otherwise unable to travel long distances without medical care or assistance. However, they do not need immediate transportation by air ambulance because their conditions are considered stable. The stable condition gives…
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Air Medical Transport: Is an Air Ambulance Service More than You Need?

A medical emergency, especially when it occurs far from home, can mean transporting a patient thousands of miles at a cost of tens of thousands of dollars. Although many people might think their only option is an air ambulance, there are times when this form of air medical transport is more than the situation requires.…
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