The number of Americans traveling abroad continues to grow each year – an estimated 41.8 million U.S. citizens traveled outside the United States in 2018, according to the National Travel and Tourism Office. Those travelers are three times more likely to purchase travel insurance, and one in six will file claims. That puts increasing pressure…
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The Importance of Purchasing Medical Travel Insurance: SentinelMED’s Lori Calavan, PA-C, Shares Her Insight with Insider Travel Report
When traveling abroad or even within the US, travel insurance coverage can make all the difference should you become sick or injured. That’s especially true if the coverage includes medical case management. Lori Calavan, PA-C, had learned firsthand about the importance of medical travel insurance in her work with SentinelMED. She was interviewed recently by…
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New SentinelMED Service Provides Outsourced Medical Direction and Case Management for Travel Assistance Companies
Travel assistance companies must be ready to assist their customers in the event of a medical emergency – no matter where or when it happens. To meet this need, SentinelMED offers outsourced medical direction and MD case management for small, medium and large travel assistance companies. We can assist travel assistance companies based in the…
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Making a Medical Transport Plan: Factors to Consider
Medical transport plans are often made in a hurry – after a loved one has been injured or suffered a serious illness or medical emergency. The urgency of the situation and the emotions involved can lead to quick – and costly – decisions. In general, the same factors go into making any medical transport plan.…
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