Short distance medical escorts can open up travel options for people who can’t or shouldn’t travel without medical assistance. This service can transform a trip that could take a day by car or van into one that lasts only a few hours. Medical escorts also can allow people who have mental and physical limitations to…
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Understanding the Options Available with Commercial Air Medical Transportation
A family road trip can be a fun adventure. But if you are traveling long distances to help a loved one get needed medical care, or to return home after a complicated medical procedure, the trip will likely be more stressful than fun. For many families, commercial air medical transportation is a safer and quicker…
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When to Consider Non-Emergency Medical Transportation
An ambulance tearing down the road with lights flashing and sirens blaring may be the most familiar mode of medical transportation. However, it is not the only option and is probably best reserved for medical emergencies. In many cases, non-emergency medical transportation is a better choice for patients who do not have life-threating injuries or…
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Traveling With A Medical Flight Escort: Increasing Safety and Comfort in the Air
Medical flight escorts can make long-distance travel possible for health-compromised individuals. Working with such escorts can greatly reduce the stress associated with long flights, arranging in-airport and ground transportation, and navigating airport security. But for the health-compromised individual, the biggest benefit a medical flight escort can provide is to make travel more tolerable – and…
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